Home Physical Therapy for Hip and Knee Pain
Nothing is more inconvenient than an unexpected injury that affects your ability to complete ordinarily day to day activities. When a healthcare set back occurs, a change in medical condition tends to put into perspective what we ordinarily take for granted. There is no two injuries that illustrate this better than dealing with hip and knee pain. When dealing with a new onset of pain, we can quickly realize how much we really move around every day.
Fortunately, at home physical therapy can help treat the root cause of pain. these injuries are usually able to be fully recovered from, and if not, managed to help reduce pain and their impact on daily living.
Understanding Hip and Knee Injuries
Hip and knee injuries can develop for a variety of reasons. Commonly, these injuries develop over the course of one’s life as the areas are subjected to continued wear and tear. This is because they are weight-bearing joints which means that even when it doesn’t seem like we are doing physically intensive activities we are still putting pressure on them. As time goes on this tends to really catch up. Aside from chronic injuries, traumatic injuries are also common in the knee and hip. These are injuries that occur as a result of improper movement or immense pressure suddenly being applied to the joints in an unnatural way. Common ways for traumatic injuries to occur are household accidents, automobile accidents, sports injuries, or weightlifting exercises.
Knee injuries and hip injuries come in many different forms and have many different forms of treatment to match this. Most of these injuries are mild enough for ice and time to be enough to heal them. Sometimes, these injuries are painful enough for a doctor to prescribe medication to alleviate that pain while recovering. In the most severe cases, invasive surgery can be needed to allow for the injury to fully heal. Regardless of severity, one proven method for having a full recovery, as well as helping prevent future injury, is physical therapy.
Home Physical Therapy Can Help Hip and Knee Pain
Home physical therapy involves the restrengthening of the injured area through targeted exercises under the watch of a trained professional. These exercises will be tailored for you and your specific injury and will not only bring your injured knee or hip back to pre-injury condition, completing a full physical therapy regiment often will improve the knee or hip beyond pre-injury level by targeting the weakest areas of the body parts. Physical therapy can also strengthen non-injured parts of the body, especially the core abdominal area.